Natural Cures for Diabetes

Diabetes has been on the rise for several years now, especially in children. There is an increased need for information concerning this disease along with understanding and treatment options.

Understanding Diabetes

There are two types of diabetes and they are easily named. Type I Diabetes, and type II. Diabetes is when the body’s insulin is either not being made or not being used properly. Insulin in a healthy body is a hormone produced to break down sugars and starches into energy.

Type I is usually found in children and young adults. Insulin is not being made in patients with type I.

Type II is the most common. The body doesn’t make the insulin needed or is unable to use it in type II diabetics.

Natural Cures

The safe, natural way to treat diabetes is through diet. This may seem like common sense and easy to do, however if you are not reading labels and understanding how the body processes food, this could be more difficult than expected.

First, talk to your doctor about what types of things are good to eat and which ones you should stay away from. A nutritionist is another great person to see. They will be able to write out a menu for you that has all of the foods along with recipes that you can have.

Read labels! It is really a surprise once you begin. You will find that healthy fruit granola bar that you have been eating (and thought was good for you) is really packed full of sugar and fat. Maybe it’s a sports drink that you have after your daily exercise routine or your salad dressing. There are sugars and fats in a lot of what we eat. It’s important to know exactly what is going in your body.

Exercise is a must. Take the dog for a walk, climb those stairs instead of riding the elevator. Swimming is another great, low impact exercise. The more we move, the more fat we burn. The less fat our body has, the healthier we are.

There are supplements that can also be taken to help with diabetes and pre-diabetic conditions.

Chromium is one that has shown positive benefits. It has been shown to prevent the onset of Type II or even reverse it.

Bitter melon has also been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels. Others that may help are Java Plum, Noni, and Bitterwood. Java Plum may help to level out the insulin. Noni will help restore energy, while Bitterwood will help to stimulate the liver.

Reflexology and yoga can be used to reduce stress. Stress is often what causes a lot of the body’s problems including carving sweet, fatty foods.

Things to Remember

Diabetes is a very serious disease that can lead to things like blindness, poor circulation, and heart disease. It is very important you speak with a doctor about any treatments before you begin them.


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